Inclement Weather Policy


Athletic Administration Staff have until 3:00 pm on game day to make the call on whether the fields will be playable. If you do not receive a notification from Athletic Admin. Staff at or before 3:00 pm the day of your game, the fields are deemed playable, and it will then be a game time decision made by your field’s umpire or official. Please check with your team manager prior to contacting our office directly.


Rescheduling may be possible but is not a guarantee.


Weather Event



If you see lightning or hear thunder: All activities must be stopped.


  • Activities may be resumed 30 minutes after the last lightning strike has been seen or thunder has been heard.


  • The 30 minute waiting period starts over each time lightning or thunder is seen/heard.

Air Quality

When is at an AQI 151 or more: All activities will be canceled.

Extreme Heat

Temperatures above 103 degrees Fahrenheit: All activities will be cancelled.

In preparation:

  • Please bring a good supply of water.
  • Please review the SRHD’s extreme heat impact warning signs, symptoms, and recommendations.


    *NFL or Youth Programs:

    • At temperatures between 91-102, we take additional precautions including moving activities to shaded areas if applicable and taking more water breaks and time out.


  • For Youth NFL teams practicing during a heat wave, teams should look to minimize practice time and / or try and push back practice times to later in the day when not at the “peak” of the heat.


Field Maintenance Closure

If the fields are deemed unplayable by SPRD / Maintenance Staff: All activities will be moved or cancelled.

School Closure (Volleyball)

If the schools are closed that day league play will also be cancelled that night as well.