City Inclement Weather Policy

Sports complex field staff have until 3:00 pm on game day to make the call on whether the fields will be playable. if you do not receive an email or a text message from Athletic Admin Staff at or before 3:00 pm  the day of your games. The fields are deemed playable by field staff and it will then be a game time decision made by your fields umpire or official. Please check with your team manager prior to contacting our office directly. We will do our best to give you as much notice as possible if we do cancel prior to our internal 3:00 pm deadline.


Please note for volleyball leagues if the schools are closed that day league play will also be cancelled that night as well.


** Football  and Soccer  programs will play in both rain and snow. The only time a cancellation may happen would be in the case of lighting, excessive heat or poor air quality**


Heat / Hot Weather Specific Policy

 Safety is our top priority, and for our camps and classes, we follow the Spokane Regional Health District’s “Guidance for Outdoor Activities in Excessive Heat ” recommendations:

  • At temperatures between 91-102, we take additional precautions including moving activities to shaded areas if applicable and taking more water breaks and time out (NFL youth flag league)
  • When temperatures move to 103 or above, we look to reschedule games/activities.
  • If the forecasted temperature at game time (varies based on the program) is 103 or above, we will cancel games/activities for the evening. This call will be made by 3 pm on the day of scheduled events. Teams/players/parents will be notified of changes via emails and text messages coming from the Spokane Sports Leagues site.
  • The athletics department will use the temperature forecasted by
  • For Youth NFL teams practicing during a heat wave, teams should look to minimize practice time and / or try and push back practice times to later in the day when not at the “peak” of the heat.

    In preparation:

  • Please ensure your participant brings a good supply of water with them.
  • Please review the SRHD’s extreme heat impact warning signs, symptoms, and recommendations with your participant